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Stainless Steel Applications

Automotive & Transportations

Stainless steel was introduced in automotive in the 1930s by Ford to manufacture their concept cars. Since then, it is used to produce a variety of automotive parts such as exhaust systems, grills, and trims. With advancing technology, stainless steel is being favored by manufacturers to make structural components.


It is also heavily featured in other fields of transportation like freighting to make shipping containers, road tankers and refuse vehicles. It’s resistance to corrosion makes it ideal to transport chemicals, liquids and food products.The low maintenance of stainless steel also makes it an easy and cost-effective metal to clean and sustain.

Medical Technology

Stainless steel is preferred in clean and sterile environments as it is simple to clean and does not easily corrode. Stainless is used in the production of a wide range of medical equipment, including surgical and dental instruments. Stainless steel is ideal for Pharmaceutical Machines & Pharma Companies.  It is also used in building operation tables, kidney dishes, MRI scanners, cannulas, and steam sterilizers.


Most surgical implants, such as replacement joints and artificial hips are made from stainless steel, as well as some joining equipment like stainless steel pins and plates to repair broken bones.

Building Trade

Due to its strength, resistance, and flexibility, stainless steel application has become a vital element of the building trade. It is commonly featured in the interior on countertops, backsplashes, and handrails, and is also used externally in cladding for high-impact buildings. It is a common feature in modern architecture due to its weldability, easy maintenance, and attractive finish.


With the movement toward sustainable building, stainless steel, which is a highly recyclable metal, is becoming increasingly preferable to use in construction.

Aviation Industry

The aviation industry also has a preference for stainless steel. It is used in various applications including the frames of airplanes because of its Strength and ability to withstand extreme temperatures. It can also be applied in jet engines as it can help prevent its rusting.


Stainless steel is also an essential part of the landing gear. Its strength and rigidity can handle the weight of the landing aircraft.

Food, Edible & Catering Industries

In the food and catering industry, stainless steel is used to manufacture kitchen accessories, cookware, and cutlery. Utensils such as knives are made using less ductile grades of stainless steel. The more ductile grades are used to make grills, cookers, saucepans, and sinks.


Stainless steel can also be used to finish freezers, dishwashers, refrigerators, and countertops. In food production, Stainless Steel is ideal because it doesn’t affect the flavor of the food. It is also corrosion resistant, and hence able to hold acidic drinks including orange juice. The ease of cleaning stainless steel makes it difficult to harbor bacteria, adding to its usefulness in food storage.